Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Yes They Do Grow Up

Our oldest daughter is about to turn 16 on Saturday and just recently got her driver's permit. She was in no hurry so we did not push. I encouraged her to ask her dad or my niece to let her practice instead of driving with me. Unfortunately, I could not get out of it today. I had no excuses left. It was daylight and we were not in a hurry to get home. We were on familiar roads. I so badly wanted to say no. You have to understand what exactly she was asking before you judge me too harshly. We live on top of a mountain. The road going up is very winding and has two hairpin curves. Most people who come to visit the first time ask if there is a different way out. There is, it just takes longer. I laugh and reassure them it's not a big deal when you get used to it. Today, I said " Are you crazy - that road is dangerous with all those curves!" I was really nervous and trying not to grip the armrests. Well, we made it. She actually did fine. Unfortunately, my oldest son reminded me he will be fifteen in 3 months and will be driving next. I think I might require tranquilizers to attempt that ride.


Aves @ Call of the Phoebe said...

I can imagine how scary it is to have a child driving..but I also wanted to say she is absolutely stunning!! Now to keep the boys away too


Jenn said...

I have to agree with Aves, she is absolutely gorgeous!