Friday, October 19, 2007


It's Breakfast!
The day we got Tinkerbell

My son Noah and I head out every morning to the sound of Tinkerbell crying for her morning bottle. Tinkerbell is a Nigerian Dwarf goat unlike the Pygmy goats we raise. She came to be a part of our family under strange circumstances. While we live out in the country, we go to church in "town". Our church is bordered by a large baseball complex, woods, another church and a busy road. One afternoon while checking my emails ( the PAC group) my sister calls on my cell phone. She says with a giggle "The church is trying to get in touch with you- there was a baby goat crying at the back door and they want you to come and get it." What?! I called the church back and my pastor answered the phone. He is prone to practical jokes so I was waiting for the punch line. He was serious so my husband dropped by on the way home from the office. She was tiny and looked to be about a week old. Poor baby - it took 2 1/2 days of patiently working with her ( and some force feeding with a syringe) to get her to take a bottle. Now it takes all of 60 seconds for her to inhale it. She is a real sweetheart. For the first several weeks she didn't walk she flitted and bounced hence the name Tinkerbell. We are coming to the end of her bottle days and I feel a little bittersweet. Like our children they have to grow up sometime.

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